Saudah Namyalo

Saudah Namyalo's picture
Real name: 
Saudah Namyalo
Associate Professor
About Me: 


Name:                        Saudah Namyalo

Gender:                      Female

Occupation:               University Lecturer/Linguist

Nationality:                Ugandan


Address:      Department of African Languages, School of languages Literature and Communication

College of Humanities and Social Sciences,

Makerere University, P.O.BOX 7062, Kampala, Uganda

Telephone:   +256754-433604                     E-mail:  


I have successfully conducted and completed the following research projects as summarised in the table below:


Research title



Second language acquisition , a case study of the Batooro learning Luganda as a second  language



M.A thesis

Terminological modernisation of Luganda; A case of agricultural terms


PGD Dissertation 

Materials development for Luganda


A corpus of linguistic terms in Luganda

The challenges faced by secretaries in Uganda


A report on the challenges faced by secretaries in Uganda


Standardisation  and harmonisation of   Ugandan indigenous languages


Publication of a book entitled A unified Orthography of Eastern Bantu languages and twenty one primers for school children between primary one and seven.

Translation of a book entitled  “Being African’ from English into Luganda


Publication of a  translated  Luganda version of Being Africa

Terminological modernisation of Luganda in the field of linguistics


2010 PhD thesis

The documentation of Lunyara folktales


A handbook of Lunyara folktales

Terminological empowerment of Luganda for the effective dissemination of Health and Nutrition messages.


A glossary of Health and Nutrition terms in Luganda and an inventory of the social-cultural factors that affect the dissemination of Health and nutrition   messages.

The documentation of youth –urban language in Kampala(Luyaaye)


Article on Linguistic strategies in Luyaaye 

A semantic–conceptual approach to the study and formation of linguistic terms in Bantu languages:

                                                    A case of Luganda



 A monograph to be published by Makerere University Press

The documentation of the Bark-cloth making: An endangered cultural activity among the Baganda


Annotated corpus in Elan and a handout for Luganda teachers and students

The documentation and description of Luyaaye


3 articles published. 

Focus marking strategies in Luganda


Journal article, The interaction of two focus marking strategies in Luganda

Documentation of Luganda oral literature


In Progress ( A dictionary of Luganda Oral Literature)

A grammar of Luruuli and  bilingual talking dictionary of Luruuli/Lunyara-English dictionary


In progress



  1. AWARDS  



Title of research



Volkswagen postdoc research in Humanities  (Extremely competitive award for scholars from Sub-Saharan Africa)

A grammar and  bilingual talking dictionary of Luruuli/Lunyara-English dictionary 

In progress


Genographic legacy fund (Extremely competitive award for scholars all over the world)

Documentation of Luganda oral literature

In progress

2014- 2015

Alborada Trust small Grant

(Very competitive award for scholars all over the world)

Focus marking strategies in Luganda

Journal article, The interaction of two focus marking strategies in Luganda


Cambridge-African partnership for Research excellence (CAPREx) (Highly competitive award for scholars from Makerere University and University of Ghana)

The documentation and description of Luyaaye

3 articles, accepted for publication


Endangered Language Documentation Project (ELDP)

(Highly competitive award for scholars all over the world)

The documentation of the art and process of back-cloth making: An endangered cultural activity in Uganda

An audio-video recording of the art and process of bark-cloth making and a text which serves as teaching materials for Luganda teachers and students


DAAD four months Post-doc research stay at Cologne University grant (Highly competitive award for scholars from all over world)

The documentation of Luyaaye

A journal article Linguistic strategies in Luyaaye: Word play and Conscious language manipulation


Early career award, American Council of Learned Societies under the American Humanities Program (Highly competitive award for scholars from selected African University)

A semantic-conceptual approach to the study and analysis of terms in Bantu languages: A case of Luganda

A monograph in print by Makerere University Press (Accepted and approved for publication)


Endangered Language  small Fund

(Highly competitive award for scholars from all over world)

The documentation of Lunyara legends

An audio-video recording of Lunyara legends, a text and a corpus of 12,000 words


Nurturing the new generation of academics award by Carnegie cooperation

(Highly competitive award for scholars from Makerere University)

Empowering Ugandan indigenous languages for effective dissemination of health and nutrition messages

A handbook of health and nutrition terms in Luganda, a journal article HIV communication in Uganda


PhD in-country Scholarship award by DAAD

(Highly competitive award for scholars from East Central Africa)

Terminological modernization of Luganda in the field of linguistics

A PhD thesis

May–Sept. 2008

DAAD Research Grant at Cologne University

(Highly competitive award for scholars from all over world)

Part of PhD research

Compilation of literature related to my PhD work


Center for Advanced Study of African Societies (CASAS)

Standardization and harmonization of Ugandan indigenous languages of Uganda’s indigenous orthographies

Publication of a book entitled A unified orthography of Eastern Bantu languages and twenty one primers for school children between primary one and seven


Center for Advanced Study of African Societies (CASAS)

Translation of the book “Being African” from English into Luganda by Mandivamba Rukuni

Publication of a translated Luganda version of “Being Africa”


Makerere University Staff Development and Research Grant (Highly competitive award for scholars from Makerere University )

Materials development for effective teaching of Luganda

A corpus of 7000 linguistic terms coined into Luganda


Rockefeller foundation research grant

(Highly competitive award for scholars from Makerere University )

The challenges faced by secretaries in Uganda

Action report submitted to Makerere University and Ministry of Public Service