Cindy Evelyn Magara

Cindy Evelyn Magara's picture
Cindy Evelyn Magara
About Me: 

Cindy’s research revolves around emergent representations in African film; the intersection of children’s literature and film; national cinemas, the griot aesthetics in African literature and film, contemporary film theory and 'World Cinema'; gender power struggle and immigration narratives in relation to African screen media; structures of film production, distribution, and exhibition in East Africa. She has experience in film production with a filmography of three fiction features and a documentary. She is currently researching on power dynamic precolonial Ugandan/ East African at the turn of 18th century, which is going to be represented in a series titled “Conquer or Die”.  She is a member of the Uganda Academy Awards Selection Committee and has been a juror at various film festivals in East Africa.