Eve Nabulya

Eve Nabulya's picture
Real name: 
Eve Nabulya
Assistant Lecturer
About Me: 

Eve Nabulya’s research is centred around understanding how literature negotiates and articulates philosophical and practicable contributions to development. She is particularly interested in the interface between literature and discourses of ecology and the natural environment (ecocriticism), literature and development communication and rhetoric. Her other interests include Literary Theory, African Drama, 20th Century Theatre, Shakespearean Drama and Oral Literature.

What I do:

Officially, my work is to carry out research and to teach courses in the areas of literary theory, drama and African Literature. In practice, I share my research experiences with my students, cause them to fall in love with literature, and help them to perceive its relevance in their lives as individuals and as citizens of the planet.

Teaching experience:

After ten years of teaching English and Literature in high school, I joined Makerere University in 2009 as an Assistant Lecturer. This is where I am still serving.

Community work (links)

Volunteer translator for Open Education Materials with Open.Michigan Translation Project, 2012 to date


Basic contact info:

enabulya at arts.mak.ac.ug,

evenamala at gmail.com

Whatsapp: +27620848598

Mob    +256782401889